Monday, March 14, 2005


Thomas the experi-
linquistically innovative lyrical poet-
sighing at the reading window
where no wolves prowl -
is beating his poetic wings
to crush and bend language flapping in the sing song dust of chaos
that scrapes outside of lingo normal's door
and the timbre of his doppleganger
- an oil throated story teller -
tells in speech gap narratives how fragmentary life whispers linear
trad syntactic sound redundant, whilst
here in parliament bank
mermaid accurate pieces testify to the sweeping ferocity
of slam multiple adornments in car picture garlands driving on street world sheet roads
running to roll on bronze wine ships
which hulk along white foam ribbon
under star dark pin prick skies
then roll off upon a sea outside of language.

Into the terminal herding area
of a wet crust soggy heaven where test card olympians
stare through blue ripped yellow depths
and forge grammatically odd
sculptured poems in smithies of disruptionto poise and swim on rock top tables
littered with OAP infinities
gagging to laugh and gurgle at the filter jelly film packets
with owl panel corner cracks
sweeping colour friendly
hair clutch boxes
into needle murmers
smirking repeatedly as the head's breath inhales insect windmills
grinding into particles of moment
the dreams we rinse when unconsciousness
sleeping off the full glob of life
that's been shrewed through the sieve
mixed and shrunk whipped to the consistency of blurred paint
then thrown out of kilter
until the faint trace of an outline
stirs and makes identification
of word packages dumped in the cauldron
at the warehouse of shifting contexts
you, I, we or them
unofficial legislators whose technology problems
is vision compressed ‘n driven into a nascent flash
of immensly creative capacities
radically affecting past methods
does not do it anymore
"hard fun" is the future
says Seymour
the mis-
chief and mysticism guru
who brought hi tech to learning
under the edict of Seamus
stroking his
palm clamped face
with ideal fingers
designed to tame in a dazzling dance the irrational
from biting back

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